1. Who receives the Lifetime Structural Guarantee?
(a) This Lifetime Structural Guarantee is offered only to the owners named in the building contract with Homecorp Constructions Pty Ltd (“the Original Owner”). Where the Original Owner is a company, the guarantee is for the lifetime of the director at the time of the Building Contract. A change in the Original Owner (including any change in the directorship of an Owner) will automatically void this Lifetime Structural Guarantee
(b) The Original Owner cannot transfer or assign the Lifetime Structural Guarantee to a subsequent owner or successor in title.
(c) The Lifetime Structural Guarantee is provided by Homecorp Constructions Pty Ltd (ACN 143 841 801) only for structural defects (as defined in section 2 of these terms and conditions) but excluding the items listed in section 3 of these terms and conditions, for the lifetime of the Original Owner.
2. What is a “structural defect”?
(a) A “structural defect” means a major structural element defect attributable to defective design or workmanship compromising the structural integrity of the home relating to:
(i) Damage of a Category 3 or higher in the foundation system, concrete and or strip footing as defined in Australian Standards 2870 and the Building Code of Australia;
(ii) A structural failure (as defined in AS1684 and the Building Code of Australia) to the structural timbers and steel in the wall or roof framing;
(iii) A structural failure (as defined in AS4773 and the Building Code of Australia) to the load bearing brickwork.
(b) The structural defect results in the home or a part of the home:
(i) being unsuitable for occupancy;
(ii) suffering physical damage; or
(iii) posing a threat of physical damage or collapse.
3. What is excluded from the Lifetime Structural Guarantee?
(a) Any structural damage caused (whether directly or indirectly) by one or more of the below events will invalidate the Lifetime Structural Guarantee
(i) Any breach by the Original Owner of the Owner’s Responsibilities identified in clause 4 of these terms and conditions.
(ii) site conditions beyond the Builder’s control (including, without limitation, trees growing near the foundations, inadequate concrete apron around the home).
(iii) Acts of God (including, without limitation, storms, fire, rain, flooding, drought, wind, earthquake).
(iv) Fair wear and tear or misuse or neglect.
(v) Minor cracking (as defined in AS2870), for example (without limitation) caused from movement due to shrinkage or settlement.
(vi) Failure to adhere to the Builder’s maintenance guidelines (including without limitation, landscaping, drainage, and termite protection)
(vii) Any structural changes, renovations, significant landscaping (including without limitation pergolas, verandas, carports, swimming pools) undertaken after the completion of the building works under the building contract.
(b) Any non-structural defect is not covered by this Lifetime Structural Guarantee.
4. Owner’s Responsibilities
To ensure the Lifetime Structural Guarantee is valid, the Owner must maintain their home in accordance with the following reference documents:
(a) Qld: A Guide to Preventing Structural Damage (“QBCC Guide”) and the Home Owner’s Reference Guide (“STA Guide”)
(b) SA: Foundation Maintenance and Footing Performance: A Homeowner’s Guide (“CSIRO Guide”)
5. How to make a claim
(a) The Owner must notify Homecorp immediately in writing by post or email
(b) Homecorp will review your claim within one (1) month and inspect your property to determine if the lifetime structural guarantee requirements have been satisfied
(c) Homecorp will provide the Owner with a written response
(i) If this guarantee applies, Homecorp will commence the rectification works as soon as possible
(ii) If the guarantee does not apply, Homecorp will advise the Owner in writing, and then the Owner is liable to rectify (at the Owner’s costs).
1. Before you sign your Building Contract with Homecorp, we will confirm your building period, and the building period will also be identified in your Building Contract.
2. Homecorp guarantees to complete the construction of your single storey home (up to a maximum area size of 250m2) within eighteen (18) weeks of commencing its construction subject to these terms and conditions and the Builder’s entitlement to an extension of time under the Building Contract (“Build Time Guarantee”).
3. The Build Time Guarantee:
(a) applies to new building contracts signed after 1st March 2020;
(b) starts when your building approval is received by Homecorp and all other contract requirements are satisfied (with the construction of your home to commence within 7 days of when this build time period commences); and
(c) ends upon Homecorp issuing the Notice of Practical Completion in accordance with the Building Contract (regardless of whether or not handover has been completed).
4. The Build Time Guarantee only applies to new building contracts, where the home to be constructed is:
(a) Homecorp’s standard design single storey homes (up to a maximum area size of 250m2);
(b) with no structural changes and no alterations to the floorplan and/or standard façade; and
(c) to be constructed in Homecorp’s standard build zones.
5. The Build Time Guarantee does not apply to:
(a) double storeys; knock-down-rebuilds; or split-levels;
(b) building contracts which include:
(i) a slab system using an alternative method to a waffle pod slab system;
(ii) driveways,
(iii) landscaping (including timber decking),
(iv) pathways,
(v) glass splashbacks,
(vi) timber floors,
(vii) window furnishings, and/or
(viii) HSTP Treatment Plants;
(c) sites which:
(i) require retaining wall(s);
(ii) have a fall greater than 3m across the building area;
(iii) are affected by BAL, acoustic, and/or traffic management;
(iv) have non-standard council requirements; and/or
(v) have unexpected soil conditions affecting foundation design, which were unknown by Homecorp (and could not reasonably be known) at the time of signing the Building Contract;
6. If Homecorp does not complete your home within the Build Time Guarantee period, Homecorp will pay you $350 for each complete week from the expiration of the Guaranteed Build Time until the Notice of Completion is issued by Homecorp, for a maximum of six (6) complete weeks (Guarantee Payment). The Guarantee Payment is the full extent of Homecorp’s liability to you, for failing to meet the Build Time Guarantee, and is paid to you in lieu of any agreed damages under the Building Contract for delays.
7. The Guarantee Payment will take the form of a deduction from the final progress payment.
8. Eligibility subject to confirmation by Homecorp.
9. The Building Time Guarantee will be void once any of these terms and conditions are not satisfied and/or you fail to satisfy your obligation(s) under the Building Contract.
Homecorp will provide you with a fixed price contract, valid for 6 months from the date of your initial Quotation, only where:
(a) Homecorp has initially undertaken engineering plans, soil test, contour survey, bushfire report and acoustic report and considered your chosen upgrades and inclusions, which Homecorp will rely on to prepare the Quotation;
(b) You are the registered owner of the land as at the date of your Quotation;
(c) You sign a Quotation confirming your acceptance to build with Homecorp on your titled land within Homecorp’s building zones (Queensland, Northern NSW and South Australia);
(d) You pay an initial deposit within 3 days of the date of your Quotation; and
(e) You sign your Building Contract within 14 days from the contract issue date.

PH: 1800 02 5000
SA Licence # BLD 293893